Prof. Dr. G. Cossu received his MD degree from the University of Rome in 1997. He trained as a Fogarty post-doctoral at University of Pennsylvania, and then became Associate Professor at the University of Rome. In 2000 he became Director of the Division of Regenerative Medicine at San Raffaele in Milan. In 2012 he moved as Professor of Human Stem Cell Biology to University College London and in 2013 to the University of Manchester.
Giulio Cossu has a long lasting interest in the field of muscle cell and developmental biology. He discovered the myogenic potential of a bone-marrow derived, circulating progenitor cell. He also identified a novel population of vessel associated stem cell, the mesoangioblasts that proved effective in the treatment of a mouse and dog models of muscular dystrophy. He conducted a first in man clinical trial of cell therapy for DMD and is starting a second trial with genetically corrected autologous cells.