Investigator at the Neuromuscular and Neurogenic Disorders of Childhood Section - National Institutes of Health, USA. Dr. Reghan Foley is specialised in pediatric neuromuscular diseases.
H. Sawnani, M.D. is a pediatric pulmonologist at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in the USA. His interest lies with pulmonary care for patients with muscular dystrophy.
Honorary Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Neuromuscular Diseases at the Dubowitz Neuromuscular Centre at the UCL Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK
Head of the Department of Experimental Medical Science and Professor of Muscle Biology at Lund University, Sweden
D. Kemaladewi is an Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh, USA. Her research focusses on underlying molecular mechanisms of muscular dystrophies.
Constance Thornley Professor of Regenerative Medicine, position in Extended Committee and clinical expert and cell therapy.